SIRIMIRI is a well-known word inside and outside our territory that designates that fine but persevering rain that soaks, without realizing. This is how we approach audiovisual creation at SIRIMIRI FILMS: we aim at the liquid nature of emotion, from subtlety and above all with commitment and perseverance.
Both in our own creations and commissioned productions, whether they are fiction, documentary, advertising or television, we cover the entire process, from the idea, pre-production, filming and post-production, as well as fundamental tasks today such as communication and digital advertising.
If you need a different video, write us.

Ashes and Dust
Fiction, Short Film
SIRIMIRI FILMS is a production company created by Estibaliz Urresola.
After more than a decade working in the audiovisual industry and directing works from diverse genres and formats (from short films to feature films), Urresola understands the cinema as a process of relationship, learning and transformation based on a three-angle gaze: The author´s,the character´s and of course the spectator´s gaze. Cinema is an intersection of gazes that builds us, a window to discover the world.
Besides the production of our own projects, we work with diverse entities to create videos trying to incorporate a more personal and cinematographic vision.
Last but not least, we develop different workshops through the PIXELATU-Project, because we are committed to pedagogy as a tool for audiovisual literacy.
From PIXELATU we work on the creation of spaces to produce and reflect about the audiovisual message and promote dialogue and participation with diverse groups and collectives as: women, children, students, unemployed…
Through the collaborations established along our trajectory we have created a professional network that allows SIRIMIRI FILMS face with confidence and solvency all the needs of the different production stages.
Zinemaldia.cat Barcelona. Spain
Mejor Largometraje documental (Voces de papel)
15th Izmir International Short Film Festival Turquía
Premio especial del jurado (Adri)
14 Festival Internacional de Cine Santa Cruz Bolivia
Mejor Cortometraje Infantil (Adri)
19 Festival Ibérico de Cinema de Badajoz
Mejor Fotografía (Adri)
9 Festival Joven de Cortometrajes de Huétor Vega. Granada
Mejor actriz (Adri)
9 Festival Joven de Cortometrajes de Huétor Vega. Granada
Mejor música original (Adri)
II edición La Mirada Tabú. Zaragoza
Mención Especial por su Sensibilización (Adri)