SIRIMIRI FILMS is a production company set by Estibaliz Urresola.
After more than a decade working in the audiovisual industry and directing works from diverse genres and formats (from short films to feature films), Urresola understands the cinema as a process of relationship, learning and transformation based on the gaze: The author´s, the character´s, and of course, spectator´s gaze. Cinema is an intersection of gazes that builds us, a window to discover the world.
Besides the production of our own projects, we work with various entities to create videos to which we try to incorporate a more personal and cinematographic vision.
Last but not least, we develop different workshops through the PIXELATU-Project, because we are committed to pedagogy as a tool for audiovisual literacy.
From PIXELATU we work on the creation of spaces to produce and reflect about the audiovisual message and promote dialogue and participation with diverse groups and collectives as: women, children, students, unemployed…
Through the collaborations established along our trajectory we have created a professional network that allows SIRIMIRI FILMS face with confidence and solvency all the needs of the different production stages.
estibaliz urresola
(Bilbao, 1984) Graduate of Audiovisual Communication (University of the Basque Country); Editing and Editing Theory (EICTV Cuba); Masters in Film Direction (ESCAC Barcelona), since 2011 she has produced, written and directed numerous short films and a feature-length documentary that has appeared at national and international festivals.
20,000 SPECIES OF BEES (long feature film, shooting in 2022) EFM – Berlinale; MFI Script 2 Film Workshops scholarship for 2021. Premiers Plans d´Angers 2020; The Screen La Incubadora -ECAM; International Marketing and Distribution Workshop – EAVE and EUROPA CREATIVA; Co-production Workshops: internationalization routes – Europa Creativa Desk MEDIA Euskadi and the Festival of San Sebastián.
CUERDAS (fiction – short film, 2022). Produced by SIRIMIRI FILMS. Production assistance from the Provincial Council of Alava, the Basque Government and the Ministry of Culture, Government of Spain.
POLVO SOMOS (fiction – short film, 2020). Produced by SIRIMIRI FILMS. Production assistance from the Provincial Council of Alava and the Basque Government. Best Script Award ZINEBI 62; Grand award best Basque Short Film ZINEBI 62. Best Actress and Jury Award in the Malaga Spanish Film Festival; Candidate to the Goya Awards 2022 as best fiction short film.
THE DECLENSIONS (fiction – short film, 2018) – Alcances Official Selection. Best basque short film Cine Invisible Bilbao; Rights acquired by Basque Public TV (Basque Television).
VOCES DE PAPEL (Feature documentary, 2016) Premiered at the International Film Festival of San Sebastián. Best documentary film at the Festival Zinemaldia.cat Barcelona.
ADRI (fiction – short film, 2012) Nantes Spanish Film Festival; Izmir International Short Film Festival; Adana Golden Bol Mediterranean; Short Film Festival; BSFF Belgium Market; FICUNAM; Films de Femmes Créteil + 50 selections.